applied science xcience

SENOLYTICS could be it.

Is saying goodbye to senescent cells a hello to rejuvenation?

(Update at end)

Always have to take a skeptical view whenever the phrase Fountain Of Youth comes into the text but it is an interesting idea: get rid of the senescent cells and rejuvenate the system.

What does that? This class of materials called SENOLYTICS.

Plus the news that senescent cells can have two nuclei was a bit of a head scratching jaw dropper.

New cause of cell aging discovered: Findings have huge implications for cancer and age-related health conditions — ScienceDaily


Mayo researchers have had success with humans given Senolytics.

demonstrated for the first time that senescent cells can be removed from the body using drugs termed “senolytics”

Now that we’re up to scenescent cell count reduction it shouldn’t be long before they start to work out metrics for changes in bio-function and overall health. Yahoo!

By xamble

Most things I do involve computers. Nowadays that sounds stupid to hear because everyone uses computers. Except I was saying that before the IBM PC came on the scene. (hint: my first programs were entered on punch cards in an IBM-29)
Now I mostly use them.
Mostly to provide a community service in my small town. Because I could when it was asked and still can.
And I'm a wannabe writer. Various books in various states of incompleteness. A few short stories. Might do more of that.

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