
New revolutionary material can be worked like glass

New revolutionary material can be worked like glass.

I like this. But I envision a future where cars and appliances have weird textural features where someone took a heat gun and ‘fixed’ a crack or other break 🙂


‘re-programmable cells’ and new life forms

Easily ‘re-programmable cells’ could be key in creation of new life forms.

A Cell OS … wow!

Hopefully it works without too many bugs.

Then again … perfect ‘creations’ would tend to make it difficult for the ‘users’ of this technology to shy away from a ‘god complex’. If the things they make have limitations and malfunctions it might help keep the humans feeling more human and less divine.


XRAY CAT Scanning on a micorscopic scale

XRAY Cat Scan
XRAY Cat Scan of Spider with Mite enacased in Amber

“CT allowed us to digitally dissect the mite off the spider in order to reveal the important features on the underside of the mite required for identification,” – that’s XRAY CAT Scanning he’s talking about and the mite (and spider) are encased in amber. Look at the picture. He’s talking about looking at the underside of the mite which we cannot see without removing it from the amber. Cool!!